golden ring with a big pink sapphire stone organic rosegold ring with diamonds golden ring with a green stone thick yellow gold ring with a big blue sapphire stone and eight small diamonds around yellow golden necklace with a diamond yellow golden ring with a pink tearshaped pink sapphire and two diamonds yellow golden organically shaped ring with diamonds
yellow golden delicate ring with a big diamond in the middle and six smaller ones next to it yellow golden organically shaped ring with a big diamond yellowgolden ring with a big pink morganite central stone yellow golden ring, spiral-shaped, with a big pear-shaped smaragd,five smaller smaragds and seven diamonds around yellow golden delicate ring with a big blue round sapphire in the middle and six smaller ones next to it hammered yellowgold ring with a black rosecut diamond yellow gold ring with an oval blue sapphire and two small diamonds next to it
yellow gold ring with a big smaragd and a small diamond organically shaped whitegold ring with a small blue sapphire and small diamonds rosegold ring with a big spinell central stone bubbly-structured yellowgold ring with a round blue sapphire wedding rings with a lined structure in yellow gold and silver massive yellow gold ring with a blue antique-cut zirkon organically-shaped yellowgold ring with a central diamond and two rubies next to it